Accelerating a Planet Positive Future
FGS Global
Client: Arcadis
In the context of a new CEO and a series of strategic acquisitions, we engaged Arcadians in
our strategy launch to ensure deep, sustained adoption. Focusing on intensifying megatrends of climate change and rapid urbanisation, the strategy is bold and exciting and our channels, interventions and tone of voice needed to reflect this. We delivered a month-long global internal launch campaign for 36,000 Arcadians focusing on three levels: what this means for the company, for my team and for me. The campaign was part of an integrated launch at Arcadis’ CMD, which resulted in share price rising and staying at an all-time high. We were data-driven, carrying out a detailed Internal Communications (IC) audit and channel testing which reached 4,200 Arcadians, ensuring our plan would be impactful and giving us the license to try new things.